Sunday, July 13, 2008

Estate Planning - What Is Probate?

What does Probate mean?
Technically it means 'proving a will' through a formal proceeding.

To settle an Estate you can either do it through formal proceedings (probate) or non-formal methods (non-probate). These methods vary from state to state. Avoid Probate at all cost. Literally. It could cause your immediate family thousands of dollars if you took time to plan your estate. Why not cost you? Because you will be dead. But don't leave a financial nightmare to your love ones.

What is entailed in settling an estate?
-Determines what property is owned by the decedent
-Pays the decedent's debts and taxes, if any
-distributes all property that is left to the appropriate beneficiary.

To get this property out of the name of the decedent and into the names of the people who inherit it requires a legal bridge.

Most of the decedents estate will be passed to the persons named in his or her will. If there is no will, then to certain close relatives according to priorities established by state law (called interstate succesion)

See California Probate Code Section 6400-6414 (click here) for interstate succession

Check list for Settling a Simple Estate
1. Locate the Will if any (make copies)
2. Order Certified Copies of the Death Certificate
3. Determine who will be the Estate Representative -
4. Determine the beneficiaries
5. Determine the decendent's legal residence
6. Collect Insurance Proceeds, Social Security Benefits, and other Death Benefits
7. Arrange for final income tax returns and estate fiduciary income tax returns if required
8. Assemble and List assests such as (see list)
9. Determine whether each item of property is community property or separate property
10. Estimate the Value of each assest
11. List Debts and Obligation
12. Determine priority of debt
15. Determine method of transferring assets:
-transfer estates under $100,000 without formal probate administration (California).
-Begin simple probate court proceedings in necessary to transfer other property.

This information is found verbatim from NOLO 17th Edition on How to Probate an Estate in Califnornia

Monday, June 16, 2008

Recycle Your Small Electronics Through the Mail - IT'S FREE

Go to your local United States Postal Service and pick up your FREE plastic envelops to mail in your small electronics - cell phones, PDAs, MP3 Players, inkjet cartridge etc - POSTAGE IS FREE.


Monday, May 26, 2008

What 2 Do Once Your Identity Has Been Stolen

1. Place "Fraud Alerts" On your Credit Report.
A call to one of the credit bureaus should suffice.

2. Close Accounts that have been tampered or established fraudulently.
-Document your finds and gather up supporting evidence to support your claim.
-Use the ID Theft Affidavit at to support your written statement.
-Follow-up with suspected accounts.

3. File a Police Report. This will help creditors who may want proof of the crime.

4. Report Theft to the Federal Trade Commission. Your Report helps law enforcement officials across the country in their investigations.
-By Phone: 1-877-438-4338 or TTY 1-866-653-4261

This info was taken from a Federal Trade Commission Identity Theft Handout

Discount On Your Energy Bill

Check with you energy company to see if they have a low income discount plan.
If you qualify you could be eligible up to a 20% discount. Now this varies with your energy company and some may not even offer it...but it is best to check. Unfortunately not everyone is aware of this discount....thats why I'm here.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Recycling for Cash

Need to give something for your kids to do? And you care about the environment? And your a Capitalist LoL?

This is nothing new...but must be emphasised. Money should never be taken for granted. Most people do not redeem their used cans, plastic bottles, and glass bottles for cash, probaly because it is time comsuming and the cash revenue is minuscule. However, you could possibly make over $200 a year on average per household. Would you want to give $200 dollars away?!One way to think about it...put $200 away per year for your kids education for the next 18 years (from the time they are born to graduating highschool). You would have save $3600 on principle alone...not including compound interest, nor investing it in a mutual fund savings plan. The best way to organize your recycling method is to get at least 3 2-30 gallon trash bins and separate them by plastic, glass, and aluminum cans. Make sure they can be redeemed in your state.If you don't want to do this...give this chore to one of your kids. It will teach them the value of saving money and the value of recycling.

Collecting Loose Change

Loose change is exactly what it is. The first thing we do when we get home is empty out our pockets of all those loose coins. Over time, those coins end up in different parts of the house, inside dressers, on top of your desk so forth and so forth. Sometimes they get forgotten for years. If you were to collect all that loose change over the course of the could literally have hundreds of dollars.

A good way to contain all your coins is through a sizable see-through container such as large glass vase. Recommend see-through because you can watch it accumulate and grow and it reminds you that it is there. The more you witness it grow, the more it reinforces the urgency to use the container instead of those nook and crannies inside the house. Believe it or not, soon enough you will establish a daily ritual of emptying those coins inside that glass vase.

Do you know how much 'Dead Money' (money that just sits around and doesn't collect interest or is being invested) that sits around collectively in the United States? If you understand human nature...then you know it is a lot.

Teaching Your Kids To Invest

Some fear the thought of investing...simply because they don't understand it. Like many we become afraid of what we don't understand. Go to the library or use the internet. But investing early will help you get a early jump on your retirement and wealth creation. The reality is that most of us don't really think about retirement until we are in our 30's or 40's. You are on the right track if you started in your early 20's. However, you may want to set up an account for your child and as the years go by teach them art of saving and investing little by little. Let them watch their money grow. You may want to set it up in a form of a trust.Between the ages 18 and 30 can be the most vulnerable years for individuals. During this time you have more independence and therefore want to spend more money. You are likely to be distracted by things you have never done before. You haven't made enough mistakes to finally wise up and to mature. In our current generation, a person becomes a mature adult at the age of 30. As parents we should not want our children to learn at 30 what they should have known at 20. Parents.... one way of looking at this financially...if the kids are well off...then the parents will be well off. Learn to invest now!!!!

Computer Security

These days we keep a lot of personal information on computers and the threat of identity theft is ever growing. If you utilize the Internet at home then it is wise to invest in the most update to date computer security software. This also involves maintaining and updating your security software on a frequent basis. Most security softwares will offer a one year subscription for automatic updating. Computer security also entails protecting your PC from malicious viruses that could end up costing your computer in the long run.

Here are the reasons why you should be concern over computer security:

1. Prevent hackers from accessing your computer
2. Remove viruses from emails
3. Block Internet worms
4. Prevent spy ware from online tracking and from taking over your computer
5. Prevent identity theft
6. Guard against malicious downloads
7. Verify legitimate websites
8. Protects valuable files on your PC

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Promotional Codes

Before you purchase that item off the internet.... be sure you to check if that company accepts promotional codes. Normally, you will see a 'promo code' insert box as you check out to pay. Before you click an interent search by typing in the "company name" and "promotional codes" in the search box. I don't know where they get these promo codes but people put them out there on the internet. This could mean you save as much as 10 percent off.
Try it.

Using Credit Cards

If you are well discipline...don't be afraid to utilize your credit on as many transactions as possible. This will help you build your 'reward' points (if you have a card that accumultes them). However, I don't recommend you do this if you cannot pay off your balances monthly. Using your credit helps you keep track of your annual expenses. Some credit card companies send you an end-of-the-year statement of all your credit card purchases. This can help keep track of your spending habits. In addition, try to get credit cards that charge you membership fees.

Credit Card Reward Points

Obtain A Frequent Flyers Credit Card or a credit card that offers you reward points. If you are going to spend money you might as well get reward points for doing so. Over time this can save you money on plane tickets and other additional purchases your credit card programs offer. In addition, try to get credit cards without membership fees.

In addition, one of the best ways to stack up on your reward points is to pay your bills via credit card (But use it responsibly, pay off your Credit Card right away).

Primary Care Information

One of the most unfortunate events that could happen is when a family member is admitted to the emergency room. But what could make the situation worst is if your family member had preconditions, medications, allergies that you were not made fully aware of.

It is import for family members to designate an area or location that has basic information on each family member and that all family members know where to look for that information.

Some information you may need to have are:

1. Family Member's Primary Care Physicians name and phone number
2. Current list of medications and dosage and purpose of those medications
3. Known allergies
4. List of current medical conditions (i.e. diabetes type I)
5. Medical Insurance Name, phone number, and membership identification number.

This information could be the difference between life and death.

Paying Bills On-line

How many bills do you pay via mail? Suppose you pay the following bills per month:Water, Electricity, Credit Card, Cable/Satellite, Phone, Cell Phone. That means you would have to mail out 7 envelopes each costing around $.41 cents (or today's standard rate). That means you spend $34.44 a year paying bills just alone. Plus that is 84 checks you have to write a year. By the time you use all 84 checks you may have to buy another block of checks at about $10.00.If you pay by on-line via credit card you can accomplish several things 1) You save about $34.44 per year 2) You can apply receive credit card points just for paying your bills (That is if you card offers reward points). Lets think about this; Lets say you spend about $400 on bills per month. If you pay on your rewards credit card you can earn 400 points (if its a one for one point system) per month. That is 2800 points per year.

Your Local Library

Your local library is perhaps one of the least utilized assets in your locality. Most libraries do not charge a membership fee, and if you are on a tight budget then a trip to the library will help you check out that book for free. It is important for parents to make sure that there child gets a library card too. It may not be a bad idea for parents to require their child to read an appropriate age level book once a month. This will help in their vocabulary and help develop command of the english language. In the age of XBox and Nitendo it is imperative that parents take active steps to educate their child outside the school system.

Coupons In Your Car

The problems with coupons is that we forget to take them with us. We either remember them once we get to the store or when we are half-way there. Plus, you never no when you have to make an impromptu trip to the grocery store or fast food restaurant. It is best to have them on us.

The solution: Once you find coupons that are worth saving, place them in your car. You could place them in the front console or in your glove compartment. Either way, wherever your car goes, your coupons go with it. You just took the "remembering to take them with you" out of the equation. Remember, coupons save you money. The more money you have, the more you can invest into your fun time, college education, or investments.

Annual Policy Review

Semi-Annual Policy Review. Review all your policies/porfolios that you possess. This will be especially useful when reviewing your investment portfolio or insurance policies. For example, some policies have you pay a little extra in insurance premiums for children under 18 or those who are under 23 but going to college. Well you could paying for years after this age limit without realizing you are forking over money for no reason. Insurance companys won't remind you.

Beneficiary Clause

Beneficiary Clause. Fill out a beneficiary clause for all your financial accounts. This is better than just relying on a will. Even with a will you may have to go through a probate court to determine its authenticity. From there the court will have to oversee the allocation of assets and property. This could cost you time and money. Beneficiary Clauses are easy. Make sure you have one for each bank, insurance policy, and investment account. These should also be reviewed annually.

529 Savings

529 Savings Account. Set up a 529 Savings Account for your child from the moment they are born. Though some 529 Plans will vary form state to state, your earning should grow tax free (both state and federal). Imagine if you set up an initial account with $250 and deposit $50 every month for the next 18 years. The principle amount alone invested would be $11050 (not including compound interest). One way to look at having a better life is when you invest in your children. The better chance at success the better you will be off in the long run. Start now!!!
Why am I telling you this...
You will be amazed how many people do not know about this?