Sunday, March 16, 2008

Teaching Your Kids To Invest

Some fear the thought of investing...simply because they don't understand it. Like many we become afraid of what we don't understand. Go to the library or use the internet. But investing early will help you get a early jump on your retirement and wealth creation. The reality is that most of us don't really think about retirement until we are in our 30's or 40's. You are on the right track if you started in your early 20's. However, you may want to set up an account for your child and as the years go by teach them art of saving and investing little by little. Let them watch their money grow. You may want to set it up in a form of a trust.Between the ages 18 and 30 can be the most vulnerable years for individuals. During this time you have more independence and therefore want to spend more money. You are likely to be distracted by things you have never done before. You haven't made enough mistakes to finally wise up and to mature. In our current generation, a person becomes a mature adult at the age of 30. As parents we should not want our children to learn at 30 what they should have known at 20. Parents.... one way of looking at this financially...if the kids are well off...then the parents will be well off. Learn to invest now!!!!

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