Sunday, March 16, 2008

Recycling for Cash

Need to give something for your kids to do? And you care about the environment? And your a Capitalist LoL?

This is nothing new...but must be emphasised. Money should never be taken for granted. Most people do not redeem their used cans, plastic bottles, and glass bottles for cash, probaly because it is time comsuming and the cash revenue is minuscule. However, you could possibly make over $200 a year on average per household. Would you want to give $200 dollars away?!One way to think about it...put $200 away per year for your kids education for the next 18 years (from the time they are born to graduating highschool). You would have save $3600 on principle alone...not including compound interest, nor investing it in a mutual fund savings plan. The best way to organize your recycling method is to get at least 3 2-30 gallon trash bins and separate them by plastic, glass, and aluminum cans. Make sure they can be redeemed in your state.If you don't want to do this...give this chore to one of your kids. It will teach them the value of saving money and the value of recycling.

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